Hawken and Beyond...

The large amounts of wild land at Hawken are excellent
for birds and other animals, and there are quite a few species of both.

A few pages here concentrate totally on the the wildlife at Hawken, but there some web page areas with information about local bird and animal species, (even if they haven't been sighted at Hawken). In these areas there is information about local birdwatching sites, advice for birdwatching beginners and links to other bird and animal pages. Also, there is a page dedicated to expounding untrue bird and animal myths/Old Wives' Tales. (So while you may be ready for the 21st century with your WWW knowledge, make sure that you get your bird and animal facts straight!).

Visit all the different pages!

The Bird Page

The Animal Page

The Myth Page

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Webmaster Kellie Hoyt, class of 1997.
Please e-mail her with any suggestions, questions, comments or complaints.